We don’t have free deals that often, so when we do we want to make sure you know about the latest offers so you can shop the best sunglasses and save big! Here on Costa Sunglasses’s official website, you’ll find our final sale promotions, the best sunglasses sweepstakes around, and top gift ideas that give back to causes near and dear to us. Most of the free offers don’t even require a Costa coupon code or promo code!
#OneCoast Donation
Fifty Percent of the proceeds from the sale of each #OneCoast Short Sleeve T-Shirt will go directly to the American Red Cross and 50% of the proceeds will go directly to IGFA’s Worldwide Anglers Relief Fund. All proceeds (over 80% of the purchase price) from the sale of each #OneCoast Bahamas Short Sleeve T-Shirt will go directly to IGFA’s Worldwide Anglers Relief Fund in support of hurricane relief in the Bahamas. View Details.
OCEARCH Donation
Each purchase from the OCEARCH Collection helps fund OCEARCH research expeditions, and their mission to protect sharks. View Details.